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Coffee Talk with Vanessa Michelle Interview! - Mindfullness Matters

Just last week I was blessed to meet with the vibrant soul of Vanessa Michelle to speak some of my truths. Enjoy friends!

"So often we find ourselves looking for strategies to fix who we are. Seriously, how many hours have you spent reading a self-help book or 100 articles that talk about ways to 'fix' who you are? Yea, it's crazy to think about how much is available for crazy people like me! I've come to realize, through studies and endless amounts of videos, that my desire for change is already in me. It's not in a book or a video or even my family. My answers are right in my heart, my blood, my soul. I'm not the only one that has realized this reality. My good friend Jordan has also been enlighten about this idea. So today I'm chatting with her about being mindful and more aware of our internal selves. Love." Vanessa M.

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