I have learned so much from this years Summer Solstice held at the Serpent Mound. I have learned it’s connection of origin, or the how it came to be. Additionally, I was shown the strength in my connection to the divine, a humble serpentini and bringer of light. Beautifully, and in a most incredible way, I have made connections that go beyond blood. This type of connection the universe brings together those we are to share lessons with, have karma with, vibe and thrive with, and manifest what needs to be! What an insanely beautiful first stop of the tour. I have been putting out to the universe that I am divinely guided and provided for every step of the way. If anything this first stop of the tour has reaffirmed and filled me with gratitude, as it proves the power of spoken word and faith in myself as a creator. As I pull in I rise up on a hill, park the van, ask my heart okay where next as I listen to a close by drum circle. With serious comedic undertones my heart replies with a “don’t you hear the music of drums?” I laughed hard and thought alright, to the music I go! So I sit down, and join in on a mantra drum chant, a story of Native American ritual to invoke healing. Telling the story was a man with beautiful long hard, a tie die long sleeve shirt and a demeanor that could even get animals to stop and listen to what he had to say. His genuine eyes could settle any dispute, war or unbalance just from his presence alone. After he shared his stories, he asked if anyone else has a song they’d like to play. Of course I have things I like to share and raise my hand. With no instruments I sang ‘Gaia my Fiah’ as I and three others strike a huge drum to the beat of the song. With resonating vibrations in my bones from the drum, I sang it faster than usual. Unexpectedly, I heard the main man I described above, sing along almost instantly as if he knew the words....yet this was the first time he had ever met me. After that I asked who in this circle I am supposed to make a connection with, kind of a silly question as my hand, like a compass pointing north, pointed right at the same man! He was born and raised in Hawai'i! His name was Strong Bear, a name he had earned in his 9 day journey as a young boy traveling down the volcano of Haleakala. Instantly we felt like long time friends, and set up a time to meet again later this summer at his healing center in Kentucky! I was guided literally like a GPS from person to person that I had to meet at this festival in order to discover connections that would manifest the rest of these tour shows! Before I came to the Festival, upon given guidance from beloved others and meditation, I was supposed to have a step of the tour take place in Cincinnati. So if I heard the word Cincinnati, I was to know that they where the ones I needed! My heart lead me to a tent immediately in the back where a lady Cindy was giving Reiki healings, and her husband Mike was giving aura readings......Cindy and Mike were coming no where else but good ole Cincinnati! So I explained that I was to have some sort of performance where they lived and that they may have the guidance on how to make it happen! Mike looks at me and says “so how many people do you want to play for” I replied with “ well you know I can play huge crowds or small crowds, whatever is just perfect for me as long as I get my message across”. He replied directly with “ I asked, exactly how many people you wanted.” Now, at the same time I stood next to a man who frequented all the drum circles in Cincinnati as well! He said The drum circle community would be very open to me playing! However, when answering
Mikeʻs question, I stood next to was jokingly saying 50,000 as I said 50. We turned towards each other as he said “ okay, so 50 is the number we need to concentrate on”. Mike looked at me and said there’s an amphitheater that rarely gets used thats outdoors by nature, I bet it would be easy renting it for your show! Between me and my wife we know a lot of people” what’s 15 minutes on the phone to make it happen, it’s what good people do for good people”. With a tear In my eye I was already presented with a show and the man who would make it so! After my performance I was gratrful to hug everyone in the audience, and thank them for letting my music be heard and felt in their hearts. The night finished with a drum circle around the fire with all different kinds of walks of life, and souls interacting as one. It was quite wild actually, I remember writing in my journal okay now what?" My hearts message read “ with some moments to yourself, meditate on the spiral of serpent mound for it has wisdom for you”. Upon the next morning I did, I awoke to a sun rise out of my window above the rolling hills. Energized in love, I set out for the mounds.

I know my guidance said to sit on the mounds directly, but I saw signs that said please keep off ancient sacred mounds. So I went over to the fence
with a beautiful Valley view near the spiral of the serpent with great confliction. That moment a fly landed on my shoulder, and had a full blown buzz conversation with I. “Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz bbbz bzzzzzzz bzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz” and then flew away after it said what it had to. I asked my heart “ what the heck did that fly just tell me divine? The FIRST thing to pop into my heart was “ you should sit in the middle of the spiral” I burst out in laughter and headed towards the center, stepping cautiously and barefoot. There was a quartz lying in the middle already, somebody else must have been charging it with that lands lovely energy. I picked it up and went into an almost instantaneous deep meditation.

I intended that this meditation was to invite the mound to share with me whatever it wanted to. After several deep quiet deep belly breaths of listening to the symphonies of nature, I heard a clear voice. I metaphorically sat back as it shared the origins of how the mounds came to be. This is what I received “ the Serpent Mound was given to the Native American tribe as a gift from the ascentient beings! (which means higher dimensional beings that are there but most cannot see them, however if you decide to develop your higher sense perception we all have, all can feel the presence of these invisible to the eye, high vibrational beings. Angels are a perfect example of this, they are non-denominational and exist in every religion under different names and details.) The higher beings reached out to build this collaboration between they and the tribe. It has come to one of the tribal members who was extremely centered in prayer. As long as they continued to view the land as sacred and the mound would remain a connection to the divine guidance as a testament to their faith and connection to the Earth.”

There is WAY more to tell you all, but a bit at a time is going to be much nicer to follow along! It also has taken me a few days to process all of this and really sit with all that has happened! I am so blessed to be experiencing such a magical and meaningful journey to my heart, lying right on the path of where I need to be! Service to others, a life style that has me swooning in a life I couldnʻt before have imagine to be true.

With love and Light always, The Universe through Jordan