My Monday began in a super magical way, where Chris, a true soul mate of good vibes and unconditional love suggested that we go swim early in the am before I departed! Before the sun was out, we hopped in and played in the waves. The SKY was white and grey with hits of red as the sun was just trying to pop through. The water reflected this gorgeous silver with hints of dark green and red flowing in an out of small triangular shapes. So much rejuvenation within the simple act of becoming one with the ocean. After that it was time to hit the roads again and venture back to Clayton New Mexico! On the way there, I had a life changing and most humbling experience that only Mother Nature could deliver. I just entered through the boarder of Arizona when I saw this incredible site, a electric blue river that bentaround to reveal incredibly jagged mountains! I pulled over to take a picture and then drove on. About five minute down the road my heart told me to pull over and take a break from driving. I saw a sign that said “needle mountain trail —>” I figured that would be good fun and beautiful views!

Driving quickly turned sketchy when the road turned into dirt roads with lots of big rocks. I drove as slow as possible. The trail went back further and further as it brought me to a cast open space where it looks like dirt bikes trails were and horse trails. There was only one more trail I could drive down and venture further into the mountains. I decided to go onwards! The trail ended where the rock level rose about five feet but the trail continued. I poured myself more water and decided to venture on in search of whatever my heart was telling me lied within the mountains. As I went, I had to battle my mind and ego again to remember that my heart is telling me to go up here, so I know I am protected. I know my heart would never send me into a dangerous situation and I must trust. So I was actively getting rid of worry and fear and giving it to the divine for I had no reason to hold onto it or to embody it. I am seeing some incredible stones and gems alike that are calling to me along the hike. I asked permission from the land, and each time my heart kept saying “a gift from the divine”. Smiling I wondered just how much longer I would be guided to walk in this heat. I got clear guidance when I turned a corner on the trail and a large crystalline rock structure called to me to place my hand on it. As I did I felt an energy of such strength just resonating through my body traveling from head to toe. Upon much concentration a silent voice in my head eloquently said “ you are being gifted with wisdom of your past and guidance for your future; These mountains are home to your soul, and they welcome your energy back”. “Woah” I remarked, as sparkles of purple and white shimmered within my eye site after I opened my eyes again. I got the feeling that I was to take a small shard of the rock to hold its energy with me wherever I went. After that, my heart instructed me to climb. As I climbed the hill, rock fell apart left and right, as I treaded the terrain slowly and hesitantly so I wouldn’t fall on hot rock. I got to the near top and saw a petrified stump of wood burnt in the sun and took a sliver to have. When I got to the top I could see vast beauty in all directions! Rolling hills to the north, jagged mountains to the east, and to the west and south adorned a horizon so far away fields. Mentally challenged by sharp rocks under my butt, and the hot sun beaming down on me. The untouched land provided powerful energies from this sacred land. My heart told me to meditate so I did, and was instantly greeted with intense universal energy flowing through my body with awe striking colors flowing through my minds eye in a most spectacular way!

After a good ten minutes. I was guided to stop just so I didn’t get too burnt by the sun. I felt rejuvenated and inspired like no other!! I stood up and let out a mighty call to nature “ thank you ancestors!! It’s so good to be back home with you! I am eternally grateful to serve this world on your behalf for the highest good of mankind!” Then I began to sing, I felt a divine free flow coming on so I just let it all out! Beautiful song and wondrous moments that I will truly never forget!
Alas, I had a mural to paint and a show to perform in Clayton so I went back to my van and back in my way! Nothing I love more when the universe surprises me with such meaningful and fulfilling moments like that! As I walked back to my van I was gifted with inspiration for a new song Here I stand Completely naked Stripped of ego By lands so sacred With Infinite love and Light, The Universe through Jordan