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Divine Blessings

Upon my return to Cleveland, I kept myself on the down low so I could put all of my creative effort into this mural I’ve been working on! It still astonishes me that the universe has never given me something I couldn’t handle. Truthfully, which I always am, but if I were given this size of a mural to paint at the beginning of the summer, I would have tried my best but would have been in over my head most likely! However! Instead I was provided with one mural experience after another this summer that has prepared me for this little by little! One mural was outdoor in heavy wind on a ladder in Clayton NM to prepare me for rough weather, another was my first time using scaffolding to prepare me for heights and so forth! All miraculously happening in perfect divine timing.

Which leads me to this! The biggest and most divine mural I have ever undertaken! It’s 240sq feet long, and 3 stories high as it bends around a corner! Get this, it’s all MY DESIGN! My heart was guided to provide 10 different options for the building owner, I figured he’d pick 1.....he picked 4!!! I gratefully accepted, and dove in. This mural was my bridge to many firsts....first time painting on brick, and also it was to be my first mural using a spray gun. OH YEAH, and it was my first time operating heavy machinery!

Little Jordan fully buckled in on a boom lift that lifted me all the way above cleveland was the sight to see in downtown Cleveland’s west side of the flats! This one was so different from the other murals though. It was not only all of my design without additions of anyone else’s ideas, but also it was a massive transitional step in my life’s journey. My reiki master, and light worker extraordinaire, Patricia Siliko, the voice of the angels, told me it would be “a springboard to my career” catapulting me to a world wide audience. I eagerly stayed present for a few weeks to find out what she meant!

So many people were stopping by each day to say hi! It was beautiful and reassuring to know those in the community were appreciative of me adding more beauty! Here are the 3 mural sketches!

The first is the corner mural. A divine waterfall flowing from the heavens down onto Mother Gaia, or Mother Earth, depicted as the golden goddess. Her feet transform into two different sides of the wall. On the left side her foot grows into the tree of life with the 7 Chakras, or energy centers, in the body painted up the middle. On the right side, her foot becomes a stairway to the heavenly realms!

The second mural is a depiction of a divine Rose! Where half of the picture is rose, and half is an entirely different background scene with many elements to it. Basically the background picture is the natural world and the man built city bridged together by a divine golden bridge. With hands joining together over common ground in the lower center made up of a rainbow and bed of crystals below! This signifies that in order to continue to live on Earth we must live in harmony with her instead of against her or better than her.

The third design is an angel named Elane. She is a healer angel and apprentice to Arch Angel Michael. Her soft gaze and higher vibrational background will instill peace and hope in the hearts of all who see them!

One individual came by and yelled up to me while I was three stories up, painting the very brim of the building top. Admiring the suns reflection off the adjacent building, and loving the flicks of butterflies migrating south from Canada that I saw in packs and one by one! Her name is Tarra. She asked if she could take my picture, and said she’d leave her card on the electric box 30 feet below me. I said sure and thought nothing of it. Well, after a long day of creating, and spreading good vibes to all those I encountered. I remembered her card just before I took off for the night!

It has blown into the grass, and as I picked it up, it read City of Cleveland

Public Art Project Coordinator

City Planning Commission

I thought OOH she’s big time! Well, later that day I found out that in order to paint a mural that has street view, it must be approved by two city planning councils at city hall......ayeeee, I’m glad I know it now!

At first my mind wanted to be fearful like they would not approve me, but my spirit guide reminded me that everything happens for a reason and that THIS WAS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE! I have big things to do for Cleveland, and in order to make those things happen, I needed to make friends in high places. So Tarra, the sweet god send that she is, had made sure I knew everything I needed to do to get my mural approved! She urged me to tell them just as I told her, about this being the latest stop on my Music & Murals tour across America!

I was to explain to them what I have been up to, inspiring and empowering others to be their truest versions of themselves they could be through expressing my creativity! Completely in the flow of divine synchronicity, always brought exactly where I needed to be to meet those I needed to meet, and to heal those that needed healing! Traveling completely from my heart and following my gut had lead me to perform 6 + concerts, paint 6 + murals, get jokingly (but kind of seriously) “adopted” by four different families, travel 11,000 miles from coast to coast, have two newspapers and a radio show cover me, and was supported the entire time in every way I needed by the universe!

So I dressed up in my college business attire, and prayed for arch angel Gabrielle’s help for the good grace of words. She always helps me handle the perfect words in situations like that! I had Sarah H. by my side from the Tenk building where I was painting too! I was letting her know that I felt like I was supposed to meet some of the people on the panel of city planning to help Cleveland somehow. Maybe through my non profit? But who? I tried to get insight from my heart as I entered the court room, and awaited my turn to present!

We had prepared 27 slides, 7 of which were mine covering my adventures on tour, all else were area schematics and so forth. “Divine Blessings” the first person on the panel read allowed, and I was up! I just let the words flow to me as I went over each slide. One by one I saw their faces turn from skeptical to impressed. After the seven slides were up, they called an abrupt vote. The man said “can we just pass this? Anything for Mother Earth has my vote”. “All in favor”..... “ I” As nine person harmony replied! And just like that, I passed round 1!

We returned the next day to city hall for round two in downtown Cleveland. Same deal, same room, different board members. I knew today had to be the day to meet someone in the board, since it didn’t happen yesterday. During the second time round presenting, I actually mentioned that I was a professional skateboarder. I wondered why? Someone must have needed to hear it or it wouldn’t have flown out of my mouth! I finished my tour and let Sarah take over for a few slides. They then called an early count of votes again! All were in favor and my mural was back in business and approved! As we left the court room, I was talking to Sarah mentioning “ that’s weird, I was sure someone was supposed to follow us out”... as I spoke these words, the door opened and out walks Freddy Collier Jr., the director of City planning.

So enthralled by my journey; we talked and agreed that Cleveland was in need of a spiritual upgrade! Little does he know that I already have the divine inspiration on how to bring it! The answer is as simple as sharing my story, through my non profit ‘Living Your Truth’ that I am starting. We set a date to have a lunch to speak more about what pushed me into trusting spirit fully, and “going with the wind”. I KNOW he’s going to love all that I have to say, for we are soul family, and truly here to make this world a better place. Those who honestly seek this cause of ascending to a more peaceful level on Earth, will always be brought together. Those who go out on a limb passed their fear will always be supported by the unseen.

Sarah was being called to a new path in her life as well. She was to be apart of the creation of whatever it was that Freddy, and I were going to cook up together! I knew this the moment she said that she admired that I had something I was so passionate about as I spoke infront of both groups. I got a whole body knowing that she would be soon stepping into her truest purpose with me that she would find fullfilment and passion for through helping others with Freddy!

Later that day, I went back to painting, I transformed into a painter again as I heard a voice from three stories below! Dave, the head judge with the gavel came to see me! He told me that this was a part of his ride home, and that he was thankful that I was making it more beautiful! he said "so your a skateboarder? I used to skate! I also love to kiteboard!" Now I knew why I menioned that I skated in the second presentation! He then mentioned that his good friend was also a Reiki Master, and that she was planning on starting a holistic healing center! So we have a meeting to meet about that too! "

“Each step beyond your fear brings you more and more into the clear”

  • Jordan Serpentini from “Sound, Light & love” song

With Infinite love & Light, Light,

The Universe through Jordan

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currently in Boulder Colorado



Jordan Serpentini


FB: Stella Lumina Music 





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